Cross-Platform Applications with Free Pascal - My Store

In this course we are going to create a complete multiplatform application from scratch… To do this we will use the M.V.C. development pattern (model, view, controller), a programming technique that facilitates the creation and maintenance of applications. We will use SQLite 3 as a database manager. We will learn to manage complete basic and advanced C.R.U.D. structures. We will create the database at runtime. We will learn to maintain a database, manage user permissions and much more. Remember that a solid foundation will allow you to understand any language you are seeing and your ingenuity as a programmer will allow you to do great things. You can take the basic part on Youtube and evaluate if the course is for you.

Click Dec 12.99 U$D


Table of Contents

Introduction (00:02:00) +
Preparing the work environment (00:20:59) +
General Graphical Interface Design (01:46:43) +
C.R.U.D. Operations with Free Pascal (01:22:19) +
Integrating the Interface - Controllers and Views (02:20:18) +
The Point of Sale (04:42:07) +
Report Generation (02:13:33) +
Create Sales Invoice (01:18:00) +
Inventory Management (in production) (00:00:00) +
General settings (in production) (00:00:00) +
Ajustes y optimizaciones (in production) (00:00:00) +

Subtitles available

English, Español, Indonesia, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, Русский, עִברִית, فارسی, แบบไทย, 简体中文,

Estado y progreso de la producción del curso

Grabación y producción del contenido: 81/100 (clases)


Traducción y sutitulado del contenido 79/100 (clases)
