Web Development Bootcamp with Free Pascal #3 - Microservices

In today's world we talk about Microservices or Rest APIs. Free Pascal is also applicable to this technology. In this course you will learn how to create a complete API with Free Pascal. Using only Lazarus with and without third-party components. We will see the complete CRUD functions for the server-side and client-side API. The potential of Free Pascal with new technologies is as versatile as any language. (available at the end of 2024).


In production...

Table of Contents

Presentation (in production) (00:00:00) +
The Database (in production) (00:00:00) +
Prepare the Environment (00:16:01) +
Introducción a JSON en Free Pascal (01:03:55) +
Introduction to Rest API with Free Pascal (00:30:04) +
The Project (in production) (00:00:00) +

Subtitles available

English, Español, Indonesia, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, Русский, עִברִית, فارسی, แบบไทย, 简体中文,

Estado y progreso de la producción del curso

Grabación y producción del contenido: 26/78 (clases)


Traducción y sutitulado del contenido 26/78 (clases)
