Web Development Bootcamp with Free Pascal #2 - Backend

In this course we are going to create a complete BackEnd for the LazMovie project from BootCamp #1. It will be a more practical course. We will learn new things like: creating a CSS Dashboard, Uploading Files to the Server, Interaction with AJAX, User Management, Creating C.R.U.D. structures in MariaDB, and much more...


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Table of Contents

Basic layout of the project (01:56:00) +
BackEnd in Free Pascal: Creation and first steps (01:34:00) +
Maquetación básica del Proyecto (01:30:00) +
Introduction (00:04:00) +
Review: Software Required for the Project (00:32:00) +

Subtitles available

English, Español, Indonesia, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Türkçe, Русский, עִברִית, แบบไทย, 简体中文,